"I'm Just Not Big Enough"

"I'm tougher than I look."

I can't tell you how many times I've used those words in the past few months. I also can't tell you how hard I try to keep my tone light and joking when really I just want to yell that I'm not some fragile little being that will shatter into pieces when somebody looks at me cross-eyed.

However tempting it is to get all upset, I don't. While it's slightly offensive that people think I'm incapable of most things, I realize that they just want to help.

It's true, though. I don't look big enough to shovel grain. My legs are too short to chase calves in the mud. I have no business being the one to run calves up the alley into the chute, because by God they're gonna turn around and run me the hell over. I can't give Nasalgen because it's too easy for a four hundred pound calf to jerk their head a little bit and throw me and my vaccine in the mud.

But guess what? I can do other things. I'm great with customers, especially old farmers. I'm little enough to climb in and out of grain bins. I'm light enough to get thrown up on the top drag to tape up holes.

So yeah, there are a lot of things I'm just not big enough to do...but there are a lot of things only somebody my size can handle. I'm learning to appreciate that more and more every day!
